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You are here: Portal Home > Knowledgebase > cPanel Related Issues > cPanel HOW-TOs > How to install a guestbook on my account?

How to install a guestbook on my account?

There are a lot of free guestbook scripts over the internet. Choosing which one to install depends solely on your personal requirements and needs.

In this article we'll install ArdGuest guestbook - a very light and easy to install and use free guestbook script.

Once you download the guestbook archive file from the above link, you should upload it to your account, extract it and change the file permissions to 755. These 3 simple steps complete the script installation. 

Then, if you have extracted the files in a folder guestbook within your public_html directory, the guestbook will be accessible directly through:

Although your guestbook is now fully functional, it is recommended to open the index.php file and edit it, modifying the variables to suit your needs.

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